$10 discount for October's event on building a freelance team with the code FLASHTWCTEAM
You know when you just put the entire body of the email in the subject line?
Now y’all know I have no shame doing that :)
Tickets for our Oct 15 event, HOW TO BEST WORK WITH YOUR FREELANCE TEAM are discounted from today, September 30, to 11:59 PM PST October 22. The discounted price, $25 (from $35) is available to anyone, just plug in the code FLASHTWCTEAM at checkout!
Join me, Anita Kenney, and media entrepreneur Emma Carew Grovum, on best practices for working with your team. Even if it’s just a team with one extra person!
Registering for the event, as always, gets you a copy of the recording in your inbox the day of. Remember that TWC doesn’t really re-do events, so if you’re interested, get in on this!
See you there.