🚨NEW November event: How to start an agency!
Y’all, I’m really excited to announce TWC’s November event: HOW TO GO FROM FREELANCER TO AGENCY OWNER
If you’ve ever even slightly thought about scaling up your solo business to the agency model, you’ll want to tune into November’s webinar. We’ll hear from two successful agency owners, Caity Cronkhite (this month’s co-host!) and Aimee Swartz, founder of Speaking of Science.
We’ll talk about
How to decide when it’s time to scale to an agency
The advantages and disadvantages of positioning yourself as an agency (vs. a freelancer)
The brass tacks of business: business structure, hiring contractors vs. employees, insurance
Marketing and building a reliable sales pipeline
Pricing as an agency
How to decide on software to manage projects
Making the mindset shift from freelancer to agency owner
... and more!
Get your tickets today! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-go-from-freelancer-to-agency-owner-tickets-1020302491217